Frequently asked questions
What are the requirements to book?
Renters must have a valid drivers license and full coverage insurance (collision and comprehensive) that covers the cost of the vehicle.
Do you offer delivery service?
We offer delivery and pick-up across. Terms and conditions apply.
Can multiple guests drive the vehicle?
Multiple guests can drive our vehicles if they have full coverage insurance and are listed on the rental agreement.
Is there a mileage limit on the vehicles?
Each vehicle has an allotted number of free miles that is included in the daily rental fee. This number will vary based on the vehicle model.
How old must I be to rent?
If your full coverage insurance is in good standing, we will allow clients under the age of 25 to rent a vehicle as long as their insurance covers the vehicle they wish to rent.
Where can I learn more about you?
You can explore other sections of this website, to learn more about our company.
Customer Reviews
Read what our clients say about their exotic car rental experiences.
Apex Exotics provided an unforgettable experience with their stunning car selection. Highly recommend!
John Smith
Los Angeles
The service was exceptional, and the car was in pristine condition. Truly a five-star experience!
Emily Davis
New York